Monday, January 12, 2009

Meeting Info

It appears that we (the UNL Chesterton Society), will be having our first meeting this Thursday at 7 p.m. Find me in front of Starbucks in the main campus Student Union. I should be carrying a copy of "G.K. Chesterton on War and Peace" (you do not need one) but I might forget. Anyone who sees this post is welcome to come and tell their friends and enemies.


Ancient Greek Philosopher said...

Tell my enemies? Why would they
listen? Starbucks: do you drink

Old Fashioned Liberal said...

I see that "Everyone" turned out to be a little more extensive than I thought. As for enemies, it is stupider to have read Chesterton and disagree with him than it is to never read him at all. May your enemies realize that and tremble.

Ancient Greek Philosopher said...
